Incline Dumbbell/Barbell bench press
All chest workouts should first start with a press. For me it would be the Incline Dumbbell or Barbell Bench press. In the past i used to start with flat bench press but i found that it only increases my strength to lift heavier but my chest rarely does any work. Incline bench press targets the upper group of your chest muscles and this is one of the hardest part to gain. Grab the bar a little more than shoulder width apart and lower the bar to your upper middle chest. Push up, contracting your muscle with each push. I would do around 2 sets of warm up, and 4 sets x 12 reps, increasing the weights as the sets increase, (example 1st set 60kg-12 reps, 2nd set 70kg-12 reps, 3rd set 85kg-10 reps, last set is my max i could lift which is about 98kg-6 reps.) after that i will lift my max weight for 1 more set and after all is done, a light set with weight of about 70kg to get the muscle pump.
Incline Dumbbell Flye
Next will be the Incline Dumbbell Flye, this is a good stretch for the upper chest. Do not make your bench more then 45 degrees if not your shoulders would come into work, strech your arms to your sides with elbows bent slightly, as soon as you feel the stretch bring your arms up and contract your muscles when you close your arms together to feel the squeeze. Do not push up as you are not doing a press. Example from the internet:

This is one of my favourite workout for the chest because it really gives your chest the pump and shocks it to fatigue. I would do 4 sets of it and not go too heavy if not you will tend to push it up and it becomes a bench press.
Decline/Flat Bench press
Next up i will go back to the press, which can be either flat or decline, flat does more for the center chest and decline is for the lower chest muscles. Like the incline, the difference is just the angle of your bench. i will stick to the same sets and reps, but the weights will of cause be lighter because fatique is coming in after the workouts already. But it will still be heavy until i reach my max at the point of workout.
Cable Crossover
The last of my chest workout would be this, it really numbs your chest after all the workouts. Set the angle wide for the machine and grab each handle of the machine and flye down so that yours hands touches each other.

You will feel alot of squeeze in your chest while your contract the chest muscles. I would do only about 3 sets of 18 reps for this finisher and then head home to rest, it is during your rest and sleeps that your muscles grow. Rememer to have a clean diet too and no late night suppers =)
The chest is a big muscle group like the back and can be train using heavy weights for good results, of cause you must work correctly if not you will not be working out the chest at all or worst you will get injured. Next day my chest would ache and also the triceps and a little bit on the shoulder. If your shoulder hurts more it means that your bench is angled too high while doing your incline presses or flyes, next time set to a lower angle.
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