What a wonderful and joyous wedding i attended just now, it was the wedding of my beloved aunt! My sister and cousins booked a hotel room at Conrad cause we did not want to be too close to the bride's hotel room which was at Ritz Carlton, we went there early in the day to relax and chill and shop abit before my sister's hairstylist came and did the makeover for the females while the guys just watched tv and relax till 5pm where we all had to get ready and gather at the Ritz Carlton to witness the Solemnization of Matrimony.
It was to be an extremely grand wedding because the groom himself is a well renowned doctor in Singapore and all his associates and friends were either doctors or are very well to do upper class people. So we had to all wear suits and the dinner was fine dining and after every dish there were extravagent perfomances from families and friends such as singing, live band performances, ball room dancing, turkish dances, couples dancing the waltz the night away on the dance floor and the list goes on...They even had imported wine and the speaker also gave a short speech of why the imported year 2005 wine is said to be one of the best wines in the world, well i didn't really care because i was more interested in the FOOD! Initially it was planned that children was not able to attend the wedding dinner because it was fine dining and it will not be a good sight to see the children running around, but after much discussion and my aunt insist that our side the kids must come because we are all 1 very big and close family. The children behaved at their best and everything was picture perfect!
Swimming pool view from our hotel room
Hotel Room toilet! Guess what i found given to us?
They gave a CONRAD RUBBER DUCKY to play with while lying down bathing in the bathtub!
My sister volunteered to iron our shirts and coats yet she gave the "unhappy forced to do work" face
My sister trying to act artistic after having her makeover done..FAILED!!
I just had to take a picture of me with the beautiful toilet in Ritz Carlton!

Even the toilet at Ritz Carlton was so beautiful you would not mind eating in there! Lol
Getting ready for the guests to come!
Everybody gathering for the cocktail before the dinner starts
Even the plates were GOLD!
Me with my brother in law!
The youngsters table with my 2 younger cousins at the left
My sister with her hubby doing the reception for the wedding dinner
When the wedding dinner was over.. CHILL OUT TIME AT THE BAR!!
I love this, when the speaker talked about their names and surname, my aunt's initials are S.M and her husband's surname is Lee, when they get together they form a very powerful couple because the speaker said Lee is a very power surname in Singapore because of our former Senior Minister now Minister Mentor, and people regarded him last time as S.M Lee. So when now my aunt's surname is Lee, together they combined to be S.M Lee, it was kinda lame but i find it quite original to have thought that up!