It's been such a LoOOoOoooooooooOOoooOoOOOOooOOong time i last blogged.. well 2 weeks ago i went for my non-ict Ippt at Toa Payoh Safra.. I was the youngest over there and all of them were like in their mid 30s taking the same Ippt with me.. while attempting the last station only 3 guys were allowed to take the 2.4 threadmill run because the rest had already failed in other stations so there was no point in taking the last station. While running, the guy beside me suddenly fell off the threadmill with a loud thud to the ground and he was clenching his heart area and his face was totally pale white.. they say he suffered a heart attack while running and was immediately evacuated to the hospital. I do not know how is the guy but i do hope that he is well and running once again.
The following week was my "Finally" driving test, i was suppose to have the driving test last year but i keep delaying the lessons and test because i was kinda lazy and had no motivation. After my father decided to get a new car and also motivated me because he kinda gave up trying to tell me to go for my lessons. I was lucky to have gotten a good tester and he was on the phone while i was attempting the circuit test, after doing just a few courses in the circuit like the parallel parking and vertical parking he just called me to go on the road for the ending test.. my test route was suppose to be quite a tough and long journey but he just told me to make a U turn and lane change back to the driving center to collect my license.. i was so delighted when i heard the words "go back and collect your license!" He said he had no points to deduct on my driving but just put i had incorrect braking technique and just gave me 2 points deduction lol.
My father decided to get the new Honda Jazz 2008 which will only be in Singapore end of this year. I'm now in the process in choosing the colour and the interior colour combination.
The following week was my "Finally" driving test, i was suppose to have the driving test last year but i keep delaying the lessons and test because i was kinda lazy and had no motivation. After my father decided to get a new car and also motivated me because he kinda gave up trying to tell me to go for my lessons. I was lucky to have gotten a good tester and he was on the phone while i was attempting the circuit test, after doing just a few courses in the circuit like the parallel parking and vertical parking he just called me to go on the road for the ending test.. my test route was suppose to be quite a tough and long journey but he just told me to make a U turn and lane change back to the driving center to collect my license.. i was so delighted when i heard the words "go back and collect your license!" He said he had no points to deduct on my driving but just put i had incorrect braking technique and just gave me 2 points deduction lol.
My father decided to get the new Honda Jazz 2008 which will only be in Singapore end of this year. I'm now in the process in choosing the colour and the interior colour combination.

I kinda like this colour for the honda jazz i saw on the net and its also the same thing my father is going to install with the large sun roof over the car. I'm thinking of either red or yellow for the car.